How can the circadian rhythm be set correctly?
As we learned in ( What is Circadian Rhythm? ), your body likes regular patterns.

The habit of looking at sunlight immediately after waking up is essential to the circadian rhythm.
This signals morning to every cell in the brain and body and stimulates the secretion of several essential hormones to keep the body functioning properly.
Furthermore, waking up at sunrise and watching the sun rise directly for 10 to 20 minutes provides a virtuous cycle as shown below, as this is when infrared wavelengths are at their highest, as mentioned in The Benefits of Sunlight .
Dopamine stimulation
Relieve inflammation
Serotonin secretion
EZ Water Generation
(EZ water: Water that exists in cells and is the power plant of millions of cells.
Energy source needed for mitochondria to produce energy)

Starting your day with a sunrise, where the intensity of sunlight is low but the healing infrared light is high, may be the most important habit for your long-term health.
If you spend as much time as possible outdoors in the morning and afternoon , allowing your body to receive the full range of light from natural sunlight, you can get closer to a healthy life and maintain proper circadian rhythm.

As the sun begins to set, watching the sunset to signal to your body that night is approaching is a very effective way to get your circadian rhythm straight.

These small habits are the most effective healing method for overcoming modern diseases such as chronic fatigue , immune diseases , insomnia , and poor sleep quality .
When the sun sets and night comes, the darker the lighting environment, the better. For thousands of years, the only source of light available to humans at night was light .
Afterwards, with the invention of light bulbs and smart devices , it became increasingly difficult to spend a dark night in a society.
Dark night is the most essential requirement for circadian rhythm.
The essence of the circadian rhythm is the regular change between light and dark, and artificial light in the evening is the biggest culprit in disrupting this rhythm!

But in today's lifestyle, it's not easy to spend a good night's sleep .
Not only is there no place without lights and LED bulbs, but it is also impossible not to use cell phones and computers.
So is there a realistic way to preserve the circadian rhythm from the conveniences of modern life while maintaining the effective requirements of darkness?
This is possible with Lucid Eyes’ premium blue light blocking glasses.
Yellow day lenses block 95% of the excessive blue light emitted from indoor artificial light during the day and help maintain proper circadian rhythm.
Indoor artificial light has excessively high levels of blue light, which prevents proper circadian rhythm!
Red night lenses protect your body from harmful artificial blue light at night, helping you avoid insomnia, get deep sleep, and optimize your circadian rhythm!
Night lenses block the entire range of blue and green light, from 400nm to 550nm, which has been proven to adversely affect the sleep hormone (melatonin) .
Night lenses boast a 0% blue light transmission rate that no other transparent blue light blocking glasses on the market can match !

Lucid Eyes will work with you to protect the circadian rhythm by respecting the rhythm of nature while maintaining the convenience of modern life and helping you escape from insomnia and chronic fatigue .
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